Behind No Shoulding. No Shame.

You may be wondering where my blog title, No Shoulding. No Shame., comes from. Well, even though I haven’t actually started my program yet, I know what kind of coach I’m not going to be.

Pre-pandemic I started a cookie pop-up. I had joined a woman’s entrepreneurial support group, F*Bomb Breakfast Club, and was getting some great advice on how to pursue running a business.

There are two pieces of advice, and maybe more subconsciously, that I will bring to my coaching program. The first is - just start. Not next Monday when you have a chance to meal prep over the weekend and come up with ideas. Today. It doesn’t have to be big or monumental. Try something small. Instead of grabbing a sugary sweet for your afternoon pick-me up grab an apple. Follow it up with a glass of water to help you feel slightly more satisfied.

The second is, leave “should” out of your vocabulary. Shoulding can lead you down a spiral straight to shame. That afternoon snack? You grab something sugary, sigh, think to yourself that you should grab a fruit instead. Then you feel same that you didn’t.

Just the other day I got home from a long day of work and was exhausted. I thought to myself that I should probably do a quick workout. Decided I was too tired and sat on my couch the rest of the night watching tv and feeling bad about my choices.

It’s a really hard cycle to get out of. What I can promise you, if you enroll in my future program, I will never should on you or shame you for a decision.

Everyone has their own journey. For health. For happiness. For joy and enlightenment. I’m not going to tell you you should have eaten more salads last week. I’m not going to shame you for having a burger and fries Friday for dinner - frankly that sounds like a great way to end a busy week.

I’ll guide you on your journey, I’ll give you tips and tricks, and probably more after I actually start the coaching program. Bur for now know, I am a safe space to talk about food, nutrition, and health. We’ll go through peaks, valleys, and plateau’s. In the end I hope we can find a healthy, sustainable balance to keep you moving forward.


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